Every day, talented freelancers face the same frustrating reality: despite years of experience and multiple skills, they’re still competing on price, fighting for projects, and struggling to stand out in an overcrowded market. Meanwhile, a small group of freelancers seems to operate in a different universe altogether. They don’t compete on price. They don’t chase […]
Create a Micro-Monopoly to Stand Out as a Freelancer
Picture this: You’re a freelance designer browsing LinkedIn, and every profile looks the same—”Creative problem solver.” “Strategic thinker.” “Brand specialist.” Or maybe you’re launching your consulting business, only to discover twenty other firms in your city promising the exact same services. Sound familiar? In today’s crowded marketplace, being good at what you do isn’t enough […]
Finding New Clients for Your Business: A Freelancer’s Guide to Success
According to Upwork’s 2023 Freelance Forward report, freelancers spend an average of 11.8 hours per week on unpaid administrative tasks—with finding and securing new clients being their biggest challenge. For many, this means spending nearly as much time hunting for work as doing it. Think about that: nearly one-third of your working hours spent not […]